Discover what’s possible: Kezzler at Rockwell’s Automation Fair 

Kezzler joins Rockwell Automation’s Automation Fair in Boston, November 6-9 to discuss traceability technology as key to supply chain visibility, regulatory compliance, and innovation.

Kezzler joins Rockwell Automation’s Automation Fair in Boston, November 6-9 to discuss traceability technology as key to supply chain visibility, regulatory compliance, and innovation.

When looking to uncover innovation in manufacturing automation, companies across industries look no further than Rockwell Automation’s Automation Fair. From November 6-9, 2023, Kezzler will take part in the Fair at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center at booth 135 on the Expo Floor. 

For Kezzler, participating in the Automation Fair provides an opportunity to discuss innovations in traceability technology in the automation space and the trends making traceability essential in manufacturing. Kezzler specializes in digital ID solutions for connected products, which is key to the future of the digital supply chain and more granular supply chain visibility. 

Digital IDs and traceability are also fundamental to existing and upcoming regulatory requirements, such as FSMA 204 in the US and the Digital Product Passport in the European Union. Through these themes, Kezzler’s focus aligns with the future of digital traceability and what will become possible with the marriage of automation and traceability.

In addition to the Kezzler booth, Kezzler’s CEO, Christine C. Akselsen, will take part in a panel discussion, “Evolving your business for ESG” on November 6th as a part of the Environmental, Social & Governance Net Zero Now Summit. With a focus on the greening of value chains and the importance of sustainability to remaining competitive, the panel will discuss strategies, challenges and actionable takeaways to drive a sustainable overhaul of business operations. Christine will bring expertise on traceability and how critical it is to delivering verifiable sustainability. 

Kezzler will also take an active role in tech session PS15 with “Truth Through Traceability: Getting ready for FSMA204 and the EU Digital Product Passport” on November 6th at 9 am in room 204B and again on November 8th at 4pm in room 204B.

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