Regulating Apparel Circularity: Digital Product Passports and the EU Green Deal

Start date: 2023-02-16 15:00:00

Explore the EU's Digital Product Passport initiative for textiles. Learn about progress, decisions, and future developments in this crucial step towards sustainable and circular fashion production.

As part of the overarching EU Green Deal, the 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan and the 2021 update of the EU Industrial Strategy, textiles have been identified as an initial focus sector. There is a recognised, urgent need and a strong potential for the transition to sustainable and circular production, delivering new consumption and business models. Digital Product Passport is a key part of the EU strategy for delivery of a future circular economy strategy. There is a huge amount of work across multiple sectors intended to ensure that DPP conforms to the needs of companies and consumers. Join us for a guided conversation on progress to date. DPP is an extremely important topic for everyone in the apparel industry, and we are staying very close to developments in Brussels. In the webinar we will be discussing what has been decided and what appears to be next.

Key takeaways from this webinar include:

Watch the Webinar Recording

  • Review the landscape in Europe for existing and upcoming regulations that affect the apparel industry 
  • Look at the likely data collection and infrastructure strategy required to service the new regulations 
  • Discuss the feasibility of a DPP strategy that services the regulations at zero incremental cost.

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