Simplify integrations with GS1 standards

GS1 standards are designed to improve the efficiency, safety and visibility of supply chains across physical and digital channels in 25 sectors.

Big data in retail enhances operational efficiency

Why GS1 standards for Traceability?

GS1 standards are designed to improve the efficiency, safety, and visibility of supply chains across physical and digital channels in 25 sectors. They form a business language that identifies, captures, and shares key information about products, locations, assets, and more.

GS1 Standards

  • Open, global, proven and simple
  • Technology-independent permitting full interoperability and compatibility
  • End users are not locked into proprietary solutions
  • A global standardized system for traceability
  • Proven robustness over the last 30+ years in different sectors worldwide

GS1 EPCIS and – SSCC codes

Supporting a global Track & Trace roll-out

EPCIS is a GS1 standard that enables trading partners to share information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the supply chain

  • What – Information about what trade items and/or shipping containers were sent/received
  • When – The date and time of the event including the local time zone
  • Where – The location of the event, and where the items are expected to be following the event
  • Why – Information about the business context (business steps and dispositions)

Kezzler’s Track&Trace solution supports:

  • EPCIS 1.2 Vocabulary including Business Steps and Dispositions
  • Tracking of Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
  • GS1 XML standards 3.2 – Despatch Advice

Enabling coherent of the same code across applications

Consistent representation of GS1 identification keys in web addresses linking to online information and services.

Kezzler has implemented a large GS1 Data Link project. GS1 Digital Link to replace the current 1D barcode as the “one code for everything”.

The Digital Link code can be scanned by a variety of users, including:

  • Manufacturing for Hierarchy building and Data association
  • In Distribution for the rebuilding of hierarchies
  • The potential at Retail Point-of-sales to read pricing and register unit as sold
  • By Inspectors for checking conformity in distribution and retail
  • By Consumer to check authenticity and provenance, or to participate in loyalty program

Kezzler Named GS1 Success Story

Kezzler has been highlighted as a top global GS1 success story,
a selected example of how businesses are successfully using GS1 standards for traceability.

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